Friday, February 20, 2009

This is a funny old post , i swear i think i had issues ! LOL

So , this was also in April 2006 ..
i think i was pmsing or something when i posted that post .. it really cracked me up , i swear i think i had issues or something , or just being a paranoid teenager ! hehe .. check it out ;p

What can we do ? faj2a you look so happy o liife is so easy n stuff ,, and like after 5 minz your mood changes ! You'll look sad and you'll feel like killin ur enemy and that liife is so not fair ! I hate it when that happens to me ,,,that usually happends at night ,, or bs akoon em5aab9a be5tbaare or so ..
why does thaat happen ? ino what can we do to make our lifes more ,,mm 9ara7a i cant find the word..ino its in my head bs mo 3m t6l3 ;p

Time ! where did u go ? why did u leave me here alone? waait,,dont go so fast !
(what do u think she ment by sayin that ? thats a song btw ;) lol )

i'm done for todaaay..! so see u guys laater ;) ..

and plz comment zy ma tboon ,, e6nazo 3lee i don't mind cause this is funny !!