Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm Yours <3

So I won't hesitate no more , no more
It cannot wait i'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm YOURS ;*

p.s: slouchy if you don't like this , keep ur thoughts to your-self :p hehe ,, u know i love you ;*


  1. Freedom of speech?

    Sheesh, ya'll.

  2. LOOOOOOOL , well only if u like it u can comment :p haha

  3. LOOOOOOL hahahah ..
    i really wana hear how u say ( hmph ) the way i say it , y'97knyy :p

    so seriously , u don't like the song ??

  4. Meh, it just doesn't float my boat.

  5. LOL , please share with me what floats on ur boat ?!!
    la7aa'9t that i love listening to all kind of music from Rock to Hiphop,RnB and techno LOL ..
    y3ne now i'm in my rock mood LOL :p

  6. lol u gave me that smile - :) - the smile with million m3na :p haha ..
    anyways i'm gona check your music , although i know u like oldies , which is cool that u've got ur own charisma ..

  7. One of them is "new", two are "old".

    I've got my own charisma? dude, what does that even mean? :P

  8. hehe obviously the beatles and Led Zeppelin are old and the Strokes are kinda new LOL ;p and btw Jimmy Page rocks,they way he plays his guitar uu5 just wow mshalla ! lol did u go to their reunion back in 2007 ?

    and i like that kind of music but i need to be in the mood for it ! The Beatles is so baba, he loves them ...

    and what i meant, ino you've got ur own style charm mdre lol ,i don't know how to explain ino efhmeeha ! uufff :p lebanese people always go like 3ndha charisma ;p LOOL ino kinda like oh she's unique , you can go like oh she really has a nice charisma .. u5 mdre ! LOOL

  9. Jimmy Page = God.
    I wanted to go to their reunion SO BAD but I couldn't! they should totally have another reunion concert 3ashani -_-

    Hehe well your dad has good taste in music :P my dad loves both The Beatles and Led Zeppelin, but he's more of a Hard Rock fan so Zeppelin is preferred.

    So, honestly now! how can you even listen to, say T-Pain, after listening to that? that's just crazy! it's like, you get a plate with food on it, and another one with horse shit.. and you choose to eat the horse shit.

    You're pretty charisma yourself, keep it chill.

  10. LOL well rumors r saying they might do another reunion , so inty o ur luck ;) hehe i love their (stairway to heaven song) its so w7da mn banat 3me she's inlove with them or something lol ..
    bs in the other hand this year Michael Jackson is having his last concerts in London :p lol

    seriously horse shit !! LOOL .. well zy ma goltaalk it depends on the mood .. if i tell you who's my number one artist that seriously just listening to her, my mood flips just to her music ! and i went to her concerts like twice and wow kan shay 3ajeeeeb,, i seriously love her ,, so 7gooolk men heya bs la te6nzee l2no enough ppl y6nzoon bs I don't care a7obahaaa :p
    Well she's the one and only ( Fairouz ) .

  11. I doubt they'll have another reunion, not any time soon anyway. Robert Plant completely denied it.

    I honestly don't know a single "Fairouz" song, I know how she looks like, but that's it. I'm not an Arabic music fan, to say the least.

  12. Omg Seriously , u never heard any of her songs !! Fairouz is a legend .. She's like Um Kilthom and 3bdel7alem , u do know them right ;p ?!!
    Their songs are amazing , the lyrics are just wow .. u should lsn to some of their songs.. lsn to this song ( ) its one of my favorite Fairouz's songs .. just like rakze blklemat its so amazing ! really .. ldrjaa ino when i hear that song ad5el my own world :p lol
