Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sand Storm !!

So yesterday in Riyadh , at around 11 a.m , we got a lovely suprise from (the sand) . I just woke up and i looked through my window, everything was so Orange :s it was scary i swear ,, 7set ino it's our last day to live !!
and allaah yhdee ( elar9eda eljaweya ), i seriously don't know why the work there if they won't tell elsha3b that this will happen ino a simple warning won't kill u ya m3fneeen ,, ino whaaat !! hey suprise ya ahel elriyadh sand storm on the way ,, i swear shay y39eeeb !!! Alot of people went to hosiptals because they had Azma , and alot got into car accidents cause they couldn't see : I mean is that normal ?! i don't think so ! ..
I'm so mad at theem that seriously i could write an article and publish it in the newspapers !!

anywaays look at the pictures , you'll see how bad it was ..


  1. ommmg! ilpics 3ajebeeeeeeen!! ..
    in Kuwait also we had a sand storm! ..
    thanks God I had classes in the same place from 10-12 ..

    we wana good jaw .. pls :(

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Shit I heard about it ! bs I totally agree, it's their job they should have informed everyone!!! weather forcasters who don't actually FORCAST the weather..only in Saudi -.-

  4. yeah 7mdellaa my off day was on that day so i woke up and orange sky :p
